Clondalkin Drug & Alcohol Task Force (CDATF)

2018 – 2025 Strategic Plan Review

Clondalkin Drug & Alcohol Task Force (CDATF) are undertaking a midterm review of their 2018 – 2025 Strategic Plan, “Reclaiming Community Development as an E­ffective Response to Drug Harms, Policy Harms, Poverty and Inequality”. Please take the time to complete this questionnaire to ensure your voice is heard in this important work and be assured that all responses are anonymous.
2.Age Range
3.Which of the following areas best represents where you live/work/represent.
4.Over the past four years, would you say that the situation in relation to drug and alcohol misuse in your area is.
5.What are the reasons for this?
     Please tick up to three.
6.Which of the following are the main problem Drugs?
      Please tick up to three
7.What are the visible and non-visible impacts of drug and alcohol misuse on the communities of Clondalkin Drug and Alcohol Task Force?
8.What areas of Clondalkin Drug and Alcohol Task Force are most impacted by drug and alcohol misuse issues and why do you think that this is the case?
9.What do you think of the current level of resources to address drug and alcohol misuse issues in the Clondalkin area?
10.What more do you think is needed to effectively tackle the drug and alcohol misuse issue in the Clondalkin area. Please tick your top three preferences?
11.What do you think should be the key priorities for the Clondalkin Drug and Alcohol Task in the       period 2022-25
12.Please provide any further comments which you feel may be relevant to this review
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered