Question Title

* 1. Would you be interested in going on a Tips For Travellers group Cruise?

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* 2. Where do you live?

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* 3. If you went on a Tips For Travellers Group cruise which of these would you want included in the cruise package in addition to the cruise itself? (Select all that apply)

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* 4. Which of these lines would appeal to you for a group cruise? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. Which of these destinations would appeal to you for the Group cruise? (click all that apply)

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* 6. Which month/s would you most like a group cruise? (select all that apply)

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* 7. Which cabin type would you most likely book for a Group Cruise? (choose one)

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* 8. Would you most likely travel solo on a Group Cruise?

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* 9. Any comments or thoughts?

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* 10. Would you like to be put on a mailing list to receive updates on any planned Tips For Travellers Group Cruise? If so, enter your email

Question Title

* 11. If you answered "No" to going on a Group Cruise, leave a comment if you want around why