Heather Jackson Award 2021 Nomination Form |
The award was set up by three charities in which Heather was most closely involved, the National Association of Deafened People (NADP), Signature (CACDP) and Hearing Link (formerly Hearing Concern and the LINK centre for Deafened people).
Each year, the three charities are invited to put forward three nominations for the award. It is then left to each charity to decide which three people to put forward and how to gather possible nominees. Once the nominees from each charity are collected they will be ranked 1-9.*
Once the winner has been agreed and the three charities have been notified the administrator will contact the winner and confirm whether they are willing to accept the award.**
For the past ten years, the winner has been announced at the NADP AGM, and the award has been presented at that event either to the winner or to a proxy nominated by the winner on their behalf. In the past two years, an additional presentation event has been arranged close to the winner’s home town so that family, friends and colleagues can participate. Alternative events could be considered. All expenses are covered by NADP using the Heather Jackson Fund, which was kindly created and donated to by Heather's husband David Jackson.
* If two or more nominees receive the same scores the administrator will conduct a second round of voting for those to select a winner.
** If the winner refused to accept the Award then, after consultation, it would be offered to the runner up or a new vote would take place.