Thanks for your interest in ASAN. Please read the ASAN rules before registering your details.

Purpose and Principals

ASAN is a national network of people who help asylum seekers, refused asylum seekers and irregular migrants access food and shelter. ASAN is coordinated by the Asylum Support Appeals Project. Members are from voluntary sector organisations, funding bodies, law firms and government bodies, such as the NHS. Home Office and Local Authority Social Services staff are excluded from membership. ASAN was established with the aim of sharing knowledge and experience about legal rights to food and shelter for asylum seekers, refused asylum seekers and irregular migrants.

How it works

· All ASAN members are part of a googlegroup which allows any member to email the whole network to share information and pose or answer questions from other members. See the googlegroup house rules.
· ASAP’s quarterly Asylum Support Bulletins are circulated via the googlegroup.
· ASAP shares updates on asylum support law, policy and practice via the googlegroup as they arise.
· ASAN members share relevant information with each other via the googlegroup as they arise.
· At least three ASAN meetings are held each year to learn from expert guest speakers and discuss issues affecting ASAN’s beneficiaries.
Googlegroup rules
1. Be respectful of other ASAN members
2. Post only short messages which will be relevant to the whole group
3. Ask questions of other members
4. Post messages relevant to ASAN’s aim (see ASAN’s Purpose and Principles)

Do not:

5. Put any information in your email that identifies a client
6. Post messages intended for individuals to the whole group
7. Post messages that break the law or condone or encourage unlawful activity
8. Promote products or services other than those which benefit destitute asylum seekers, refused asylum seekers or irregular migrants
9. If seeking opinions from the group do not take silence as consent
10. Use language likely to offend
11. Share the contents of an email with anyone who is not a member of ASAN without the permission of the author
12. Share contact details of individuals without their consent unless they are publicly available.
13. Share the contents of ASAN posts with journalists
14. Share members contact details with journalists, even if they are publicly available

Privacy Policy 
You can read ASAP's privacy policy here.

I agree to receive emails and updates via ASAP's Asylum Support Advice Network group, and for ASAP to keep my email contact details for this purpose. We do not give your details to any third parties. Via the network, you might be invited to trainings or events from us or other network members.

The lawful basis for ASAN keeping your contact details is the legitimate purpose of our organisation, providing information and advice to the sector on asylum support related issues, advertising training and responding to queries from members.

Question Title

* 1. I have read the principles and rules of ASAN.