About this test:

The Human Tissue (Quality and Safety for Human Application) (Amendment) Regulations (Q&S Regulations) transpose the European Union Tissue and Cells Directives (EUTCDs) into UK law.

The purpose of the Directives was to establish a harmonised approach to the regulation of tissues and cells across Europe.
The purpose of this quiz is to act as a self-assessment and test your basic knowledge of the requirements of the Q&S Regulations.

This test is open to all and it is non-compulsory.

We recommend that you read the information available on the HTA website and the HTA's Guide to Quality and Safety Assurance for Tissues and Cells for Patient Treatment before taking this test.
This quiz is taken anonymously and will not count as a qualification but rather a helpful resource for those working at HTA licensed establishments.
The HTA will not collect your personal data or use test scores as an indicator of your compliance against our requirements.

Best of luck!

Question Title

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