Boxgrove Play Park

Boxgrove Play Park needs your support

Boxgrove Play Park is in need of updating, it is old and needs a refresh. Although there are a few items that are still very popular with the children, some parts have completely deteriorated over the years and are now not used. If you want to see updates like you have seen in other villages in the area like new equipment for older children, disabled children and also nice areas for the grown ups, then please fill out this survey to help the Boxgrove Play Park Committee start the process. It will take you 2 minutes to complete. Thank you for your support!
1.Where do you live(Required.)
2.How many children live with you/ do you care for/ are responsible for?(Required.)
3.How old are these children? (Check all that apply)(Required.)
4.Do these children currently use Boxgrove Play Park?(Required.)
5.Would you like to see improvements to play equipment in Boxgrove Play Park?(Required.)
6.Would you like to support this project and how? (if yes please provide your contact details at the bottom of the survey)(Required.)
7.Would you like to be kept up to date with news and progress of this community run project?(Required.)
8.Do you have any further comments, ideas or concerns about this community led project? This could be things you like in other parks, what to avoid, suggestions on how you can help or ideas your children want to see introduced. (if no comments, type NA to complete the survey)(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered