
PSHE education is about preparing all young people to be able to build happy, healthy lives and relationships and to be able to manage risks.  

To ensure that the PSHE curriculum is suited to the of the young people at Fowey River Academy your input is vital. Your voice will allow us to implement a plan that meets the needs of our students enabling them to thrive and flourish as successful, happy contributing adults  and ultimately be the best they can be.

It is very important that you understand that PSHE is taught in a developmentally appropriate way and topics are built on each year relevant to their age.

We would therefore appreciate you taking some time to complete the survey below, by reading each of the topic overviews and responding to each question below.  To be able to submit the survey you will need to rate every row against both understanding and importance.  You cannot skip a question.
1.Which one of the following best describes you?(Required.)

In this unit students will learn how their brain works and develops throughout adolescence, important social and emotional skills to help them manage their risk, make safe informed choices, build positive relationships, manage their emotional responses appropriate to the situation, build a strong moral compass and be able to build and plan for the future.
2.Please rate your understanding and the importance of the following:(Required.)
Interpersonal effectiveness - Self-awareness, Self-reflect, assertiveness and  compromise
Resilience and mental toughness
Character strengths and internal values (moral compass)
Self-regulation (manage and control emotions to match situation)
Effectiveness in the wider community – role models and having an impact on society.
Social awareness and effectiveness - the ability to voice own opinion and respect other people view points
Responsible decision making, understanding risk and self-care
Growth mindset, building self-esteem, self-belief and aspiration
Critical thinking and metacognition skills (thinking about their own thinking)
Developing structured learning routines and strategies

In this unit students will acquire the essential skills and knowledge to build happy, healthy lives and relationships. They will learn how to manage risk in cultural, personal and social situations, build resilience and empathy and learn how and when to ask for help and get support. 
3.Please rate your understanding and the importance of the following:(Required.)
Diversity, prejudice and bullying in relation to self and diverse culture
Self-worth in relationships including boundaries
Discrimination – personal, local and global perspectives
Respectful relationships including families, peers, healthy relationship and conflict resolution
Intimate relationships including romantic, sex education, risk and attitudes.
Healthy relationships including myths, pleasure, challenges and media influence
Addressing radicalism including communities, diverse cultures, tolerance and respect with a local and global perspectives.
Communication and relationships including: personal values, assertiveness, abuse and challenging relationships

In this unit students develop the interpersonal and social effectiveness skills, knowledge and attributes required to deal with the challenges and opportunities of life now and in the future. To be able to set aspirational goals , plan and prepare for a successful future in which they can thrive.
4.Please rate your understanding and the importance of the following:(Required.)
Developing skills and aspirations including careers, teamwork, enterprise skills.
Financial decision making – saving, borrowing, debt,, gambling, budgeting and financial choices and risk
Choice and pathways including options and pathways, routes into academia, work and training, aspirations and ambitious goal setting and open opportunities
Work and career – patterns of work, roles, employment sectors, work experience, and creating a career identity.
Employment rights and responsibilities – equal opportunities, emotions in work, confidentiality, discrimination and harassment in the work place
Next steps – Personal profile, asses demonstrate positive qualities as a role model and leader for change on local, national and global scale.
Media and digital resilience – establishing an online presence, appropriateness, perspective and privacy. Manage online risks and accessing support.

In this unit students will develop the skills, knowledge and attributes to be able to make positive informed choices that allow them to lead healthy, happy lives now and into their future. 
5.Please rate your understanding and the importance of the following:(Required.)
Mental health – personal qualities and skills to build self-esteem and self-efficacy
Understanding the importance of metal health, talking about emotions. Signs of mental ill health and coping strategies 
Internet and safety harms  Including staying safe, identifying harmful online behaviour’s and protecting your self
Physical health and fitness including Importance of physical activity and promotion and wellbeing and leading a healthy lifestyle
Healthy eating – balanced diet and health risks.
Drugs, tobacco and alcohol – including facts, managing risks and the law
Health and prevention – including personal and dental hygiene, screening importance of sleep.
Changing adolescent body including puberty, menstrual wellbeing, main physical and emotional changes and implications on health
First aid including treatment of common injuries, CPR and defibrillators.
Thank you for your time and support.