As part of the engagement process for the Fast Track Cities Stigma work proposal, the stigma subgroup needs your help to collate an up to date and in-depth picture of stigma work currently happening in London. This is to ensure the work of London's Fast Track Cities Initiative does not unnecessarily duplicate existing work and that synergies can be identified. Please participate in the survey if you have existing or planned work to tackle stigma.

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* 1. Your contact info:

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* 2. Please indicate the area your work or project covers:

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* 3. Please provide a short description of the project or planned work and what it aims to achieve specifically in relation to stigma.

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* 4. Through which mode of communication is your work or planned work delivered?

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* 5. When did/will your stigma focused work commence and when is it due to conclude?

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* 6. What geographical area does your project cover?

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* 7. Which population group(s) is your stigma work targeted at?

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* 8. Do you have specific evaluation methods or metrics to measure the impact of tackling stigma as the aim or one of the aims of your project?

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* 9. Is the work you have described to tackle stigma funded by statutory or non-statutory funding?