Register your interest

LMS are dedicated to improving the way law firms and their IT providers are able to interact with us as well as providing as much value as possible. Feedback has shown that having to log into another portal to provide details can detract from the progression of the case. As such, LMS have sought to find alternate methods for law firms to carry out the required steps whilst still staying within their own environments.  
LMS have therefore created several APIs (Application Programming Interfaces - allow software solutions to communicate with each other in near real-time) to remove the need for staff to have to log on to Conveyancer Zone manually. This should then result in firms saving time and effort and therefore allow them to progress their cases without interruption.

Product Description
Case Data and Fee Earner API  This API allows a law firm or integrator on their behalf, to collect case data updates as well as provide fee earner/case handler and servicer reference details from LMS automatically, without having to log onto Conveyancer Zone.
Document Distribution API  This API allows a law firm or integrator on their behalf, to collect case documents from LMS automatically, without having to log onto Conveyancer Zone – Charges apply (please see Automated Mortgage Offers tile for more details). 
Charge Registration API  This API allows a law firm or integrator on their behalf, to provide Charge Registration documentation and delay reasons to LMS automatically, without having to log onto Conveyancer Zone.
Secure Link API  This API allows a law firm or integrator on their behalf, to raise a query directly with a lender without having to log onto Conveyancer Zone.
Confirmly API  This API allows law firms to check the bank details of other law firms they are sending funds to.

Question Title

Please fill in your details below indicating your interest, and somebody will contact you shortly to discuss in further detail.  
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Question Title

APIs Interested in (select where applicable):

I confirm the above details are correct and I hereby consent to LMS contacting me for the purposes above.