FSRH rolling members' survey on issues for sexual health services |
About this survey
The Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) is working on behalf of our members to monitor, understand and address key service issues at a local level. With the ongoing impact of cuts to public health budgets amongst other challenges, it is vital for us to know what is happening on a local level, so we can take relevant action on behalf of our members.
This rolling survey collects views and experiences from our members working in SRH, General Practices and other related services. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
All information will be treated as confidential, and information that could identify you or your service will never be shared without your permission. FSRH may contact you to discuss issues you raise in more detail, or ask your permission to use specific points you raise.
This rolling survey collects views and experiences from our members working in SRH, General Practices and other related services. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
All information will be treated as confidential, and information that could identify you or your service will never be shared without your permission. FSRH may contact you to discuss issues you raise in more detail, or ask your permission to use specific points you raise.