Community Justice Consultation 2021

How Can We Stop People From Committing Crime In Midlothian?

The Midlothian Community Safety and Justice Partnership would like to hear from you as part of the spring 2021 Community Justice Consultation.

What is Community Justice?

- It is a way to stop people from committing crime.

- It is a way of making sure everyone has access to services and support for the needs they have (for example drug or alcohol addiction, unemployment, homelessness, mental health needs).

- It is a way to help people lead positive lives so that fewer people will commit crime and fewer people will become a victim of crime.

- It is a way of getting people who live or work locally involved in decisions to make their communities safer.


How can you help?

- We want to know how we can improve our services so that fewer people will become involved in or be affected by crime.

- We want to know how we can support people with an offending history to make changes and give a positive contribution to society.
1.Do you have an understanding of what Community Justice is?(Required.)
2.If YES, what do you know?(Required.)
3.Research shows that there are a number of factors which make people more likely to commit crime and re-offend. Looking at the list below, please grade each of the factors that you believe would have the most impact in reducing crime and preventing re-offending?

Support people to attend school and/or gain qualifications
Support people to reduce/manage alcohol use
Support people to reduce/manage drug use
Promote positive attitudes towards the law and against crime
Work with young people to reduce early anti-social behaviour
Support people to maintain stable housing
Support people to get in to work
Help to improve family life and parenting skills
Support people to manage their finances
Support people who have experienced abuse (including sexual, physical, emotional and domestic)
Support people with mental health issues
Support people with physical health issues
4.From the above factors that you identified as high priority, what support services do you feel are in your community for people involved in the justice system (Police; Justice Social Work; Prison; Courts)?

Please give details.
5.What services would you like to see more of in your community?
6.What barriers do you think there are for people accessing support/services in your community?
7.By 2023 Scottish Government expect all local authorities to be providing Restorative justice services.  Restorative Justice gives victims/survivors of crime a chance to meet and communicate with the individual that has harmed them.  This process provides both individuals especially the victim/survivor the opportunity to express themselves and the impact this has had on them. 

What are your views on this?

Currently there are no restorative justice services for survivors of domestic abuse or sexual violence in Scotland.  What are your views on this? 
8.What services are you aware of for victims/survivors of crime in your community?
9.What additional support services would you like to see more of? 
10.Community justice focuses on delivering a partnership response.

Can you give an example of when partners have worked together to support you? (e.g. health, social work, third sector, police, fire and rescue, the council)
11.Gender identified
14.Have you ever been involved in the criminal justice system?
15.Do you have a diagnosed or suspected learning disability/difficulty?
Current Progress,
0 of 15 answered