Participant Information Sheet.

Participant Information Sheet 
• What is the purpose of this research?
This research project is important as it will identify ways to help SMEs/commercial
building owners (to be deleted as appropriate) to benefit financially and
environmentally from the opportunities to conserve energy that are available. It
follows up and extends previous research into the influence of tenancy styles of UK
commercial buildings (rented/leased/owner-occupied) on ability of building owners
and SME users to adopt energy efficiency and conservation opportunities to reduce
their energy costs (energy consumption reduction). This research focuses on the
experiences of tenants and owners of commercial buildings and will address the
practical issues of adopting energy efficient technologies and behaviours. The aim is to
use the information collected from the questionnaire to identify good practice.
• Why have I been asked to take part?
You are being asked to participate in this research as you are an SME operating from
commercial premises/commercial building owner (to be deleted as appropriate) and
your experiences of energy management will provide valuable information on the
opportunities and barriers encountered by SMEs/commercial building owners (to be
deleted as appropriate). Your knowledge and experience will contribute to the
development of good practice and recommendations for potential financial savings
and environmental protection through energy consumption reduction.
• What exactly will I be required to do?
You will be provided with a survey which can be accessed online via a weblink,
completed in an excel spreadsheet which can be emailed to you or as a paper copy.
The survey comprises a series of questions that explore your experiences of the
adoption and implementation of energy efficiency and conservation practices within
your business premises to date and what you foresee happening in the near future.
The survey consists of a variety of questions; some ask you to select an answer from
the list provided whilst others ask for more detailed responses. These open questions
provide you with opportunities to contribute your experiences and thoughts in your
own words.
• Is there any risk to me participating?
There is no foreseen risk to you participating.
• How will my responses be recorded?
Your responses will be recorded on the questionnaire which is submitted anonymously
to the researcher.
• How long will it take?
Completing the questionnaire should take no longer than 20 minutes.
• How exactly will my anonymity/confidentiality be ensured?
. All of your responses will be aggregated with other participant responses so that they
will be unidentifiable as being your responses. If any words are included as quotations
you will be given a participant code so that your words will not be attributable to you.
• How will my data be stored?
If you complete an online survey, your responses will be exported and be stored
anonymously on a secure server at the University of Worcester for 120 months, after
which time it will be securely destroyed. If you complete an excel or paper survey your
responses will be entered into the online survey and your responses will be exported
and be stored anonymously on a secure server at the University of Worcester for 120
months, after which time it will be securely destroyed.
• How will the results of the research be disseminated?
Your unidentifiable responses will be used in conference papers and articles/reports
stemming from the research. These will include recommendations for good practice in
energy efficiency and conservation and opportunities for financial savings available
for SMEs/commercial building owners. 

Question Title

* 1. Consent to survey. All information is available on the Participant Information Sheet at the start of the survey.
I have read and understood the information as provided in the data sheet attached
I have been given the opportunity to ask questions about the project and my participation
I voluntarily agree to participate in this project
I understand I can withdraw at any time without giving reason and that I will not be penalised for having withdrawn nor will I be questioned on why I have withdrawn
Confidentiality has been clearly explained to me
The use of the data in research, publications, sharing and archiving has been explained to me
I understand that other researchers will have access to this data only if they agree to preserve the confidentiality of the data and if they agree to the terms I have specified in this form

Question Title

* 2. What is the ownership structure of your business premises?

Question Title

* 3. Within your business premises who takes responsibility for energy efficiency and conservation?

Question Title

* 4. What energy efficient or energy conservation measures have been undertaken in your property/properties over the last 12 months and who has funded them?

  Funded by building user Funded by building owner Funding split between building owner and user Funded by Managing Agent Other (please specify below) Not undertaken
Improvements to heating systems
Improvements to lighting
Roof insulation
Wall insulation
Production equipment
IT equipment
Kitchen equipment
Energy consumption monitoring/smart meters
Others (please detail)

Question Title

* 5. What Incentives have you encountered when implementing energy efficiency and conservation measures in the last 5 years?

Question Title

* 6. What disincentives have you encountered when implementing energy efficiency and conservation measures over the last 5 years?

Question Title

* 7. How is energy paid for in your business premises?

  Tenants premises Communal areas
Tenant purchases energy direct from utility supplier
Energy included in service charge
Energy included in rental charge
Tenant purchases energy direct from the landlord
Landlord purchases energy from utility supplier

Question Title

* 8. How do your lease clauses affect the energy efficiency or conservation measures able to be adopted?

  Yes No
Lease clauses restrict the Landlord from making changes to building fabric, heating, lighting etc. within the tenant's premises?
Lease clauses restrict the Tenant from making changes to building fabric, heating, lighting etc. within the tenant's premises?
Lease clauses allow the Landlord to make changes to building fabric, heating, lighting etc. within the tenant's premises?
Lease clauses allow the Tenant to make changes to building fabric, heating, lighting etc. within the tenant's premises?

Question Title

* 9. On a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1 is the lowest and 10 the highest) how likely  would the following items be to motivate you to implement energy efficiency and conservation measure in the future?

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Customer pressure
Regulatory changes to energy legislation
Increase in fuel prices
Easier access to grants
Easier access to low cost loans
Easier access to information on options available
Social pressure
Appointment of an energy champion
Voluntary adoption of "good practice"

Question Title

* 10. What percentage of the responsibility should landlords and tenants take for implementing energy efficiency improvements in non-domestic properties?

Question Title

* 11. Please provide some general information on your company

Question Title

* 12. How do you see your relationship with your landlord regarding energy management?

Question Title

* 13. Please indicate which renewable energies you are aware of

  Yes No
Solar PV
Biomass Stoves/ Boilers
Wind turbine
Ground, Air or Water Heat Pumps
Micro Anaerobic Digestion
Hydro Power
Other - please specify below

Question Title

* 14. When you consider energy efficiency, do you consider renewable energy to be part of this or a separate issue.  Please expand on your experience or thoughts.

Question Title

* 15. Have you considered using  any renewable energy as part of your energy conservation  strategy? Please indicate which technology.

  Solar PV Biomass  Wind turbine Ground, air or water Heat Pumps Micro anaerobic digestion Hydro power Other - please specify below
Yes, but I am not installing it - please indicate in the "Further Information" box at the bottom, why you are not installing
Yes, I am keen to install 
Yes, I have already installed 
No, I have no interest
No, I believe it would be financially prohibitive
No, my lease prevents me from installing/altering the building

Question Title

* 16. Are you aware of any government subsidies to install renewable energy technology?

Question Title

* 17. What % grant would encourage you to invest in energy conservation measures

  0 -10% 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50-60% 60-70% 70-80% 80-90% 90-100%
For measures costing less than £1000
For measures costing between £1000 and £5000
For measures costing  between  £5000 and £10,000
Over £10,000