Research Brief

Thank you for your interest in our survey, which is a joint initiative by ICPR Birkbeck, Perpetuity Research and IGCP at University College LondonWe are looking for respondents who currently work for a police force or law enforcement agency in the UK. If you fit these criteria, please read the following information carefully before deciding whether or not you would like to proceed.

The research aims to support fairer and more effective law enforcement and prosecution of offences. You will be asked to complete an online survey which has been designed by the research team. Themes covered by the survey include the processes of obtaining social media material, establishing reasonable lines of enquiry, disclosure, and the presentation of social media evidence in court. The survey will take up to 15 minutes to complete.

You will also be asked some other questions about your role. You will not, however, be asked for any information that could identify you: participation is entirely anonymous. Your participation in the study is entirely voluntary and you should only take part in the survey if you wish to. Please note that, because participation is anonymous, you will not be able to withdraw after submission of your responses. Please also note that SurveyMonkey will save any data you have already entered, even if you quit the survey before completing it.

The survey data will be securely held in accordance with GDPR regulations. Only the researchers will have access to the data. The findings of the survey and wider project will be reported in anonymised forms in project reports and other outputs. If you would like further information before proceeding, please contact Tiggey May at

By clicking the NEXT button, I confirm that I have understood the above information and am happy to participate in the study.