Mapping Mentoring Initiatives in the Creative Industries

You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide whether or not to take part, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve.

What is the purpose of the study? The research aims to identify the nature and spread of mentoring initiatives across the Creative Industries. Researchers from CIRIN, and the STAMINa Mentoring network (part of ICCAMS) at Oxford Brookes University, are undertaking the investigation with industry partners the Creative UK. Mentoring is widely recognized as a valuable developmental intervention, however, there is limited research on mentoring provision across the different parts of the Creative Industries (CI).

Participation is voluntary and you are free to withdraw from the study at any time. Participation involves completing an online survey which should take 15-20 minutes to complete. You will also be offered the opportunity to find out more about the work we are doing to understand and support mentoring across the Creative Industries. The survey will be available for completion between mid-December 2021 to the 16th May 2022. 

Please take time to read the following information carefully via the links below. These links provide more information about the study, your participation, and how the data collected will be handled by the research team from Oxford Brookes University.  
Full participant information form LINK
Full Privacy and data handling information LINK

What should I do if I want to take part?  If after reading the linked documents above you wish to participate, please tick that you have read the information presented here consent to taking part in the study.

Question Title

* 1. I confirm that I have read the participant information and privacy notice links, and consent to taking part in this research study