Burmese Cat Health Survey |
Burmese Cat Health Survey
Dear cat owner,
Thank you very much for taking time to participate in our Burmese Cat Health Survey and supporting the research of genetic risk factors of diabetes in Burmese cats at the Royal Veterinary College. The results of this study will be important to improve the health status of the Burmese cat breed.
The aim of this survey is to estimate how many Burmese cats are affected by diabetes and if any other health conditions occur more frequently in diabetic Burmese. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes. We do acknowledge that if you own more than one Burmese cat, you might not be able to fill in the survey for all of them. We would be grateful if you could complete the survey for any of your Burmese that are diabetic and for at least one of any non-diabetic Burmese you own, but information about any number of Burmese cats will be greatly appreciated. It would be of great value for us, if you could at least fill in the age, gender and diabetes status (questions 3-7) and the registration number (+/- pedigree if possible; questions 1 and 2) for as many of your Burmese cats as possible.
Thank you very much for taking time to participate in our Burmese Cat Health Survey and supporting the research of genetic risk factors of diabetes in Burmese cats at the Royal Veterinary College. The results of this study will be important to improve the health status of the Burmese cat breed.
The aim of this survey is to estimate how many Burmese cats are affected by diabetes and if any other health conditions occur more frequently in diabetic Burmese. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes. We do acknowledge that if you own more than one Burmese cat, you might not be able to fill in the survey for all of them. We would be grateful if you could complete the survey for any of your Burmese that are diabetic and for at least one of any non-diabetic Burmese you own, but information about any number of Burmese cats will be greatly appreciated. It would be of great value for us, if you could at least fill in the age, gender and diabetes status (questions 3-7) and the registration number (+/- pedigree if possible; questions 1 and 2) for as many of your Burmese cats as possible.
The registration number and pedigree will be used for the purposes of pedigree analysis which will enable us to uncover how diabetes is in inherited in Burmese cats. Providing your cat’s pedigree and registration number is optional and we would appreciate if you would participate in this health survey even if you prefer not to supply the pedigree information. You can also opt to supply the registration number only (without the pedigree) as this will still be valuable information for the pedigree analysis and will enable us to identify your cat in pedigrees provided by other owners.
The information about your cat’s pedigree will be treated confidentially and the pedigree/ registration number will be exclusively used to establish how diabetes is inherited in Burmese cats and not to locate your cat’s current residence or your personal data.
The information about your cat’s pedigree will be treated confidentially and the pedigree/ registration number will be exclusively used to establish how diabetes is inherited in Burmese cats and not to locate your cat’s current residence or your personal data.