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The aim of the survey is to understand the benefits and challenges associated with a potential shift to alternative fuels and technologies and gather data from fleet operators about freight movements in the Midlands. The information collected will be used to help Midlands Connect to develop appropriate strategies and policies for the region.

All data will be held in a secure environment by Cenex and no raw data will be shared with any organisations. Information about your responses will be passed to Midlands Connect and Atkins, where it will be held in a secure environment. All results will be anonymised and aggregated prior to publication.

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* 1. My company has policies and procedures in place that incorporate alternatively fuelled vehicles.

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* 2. I know what government (local or national) policies for vehicle emissions are for the next 10 years.

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* 3. Of the following factors that could influence your vehicle acquisition decision please select the THREE MOST IMPORTANT options.

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* 4. Which are the THREE MOST IMPORTANT barriers to the uptake of alternatively fuelled vehicles? Please select.

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* 5. What are the THREE MOST IMPORTANT factors to encourage the increase adoption of alternativley fuelled vehicles, please select?

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* 6. Is your organisation a member or actively involved in any of the following?

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* 7. Who is responsible for vehicle procurement decisions?

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* 8. Do you have any further comments on the policies or drivers for low emission vehicles?

The next section of the questionnaire will ask for some information about your fleet and its operation. This will help us to provide realistic recommendations for the implementation of alternative fuels.

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* 9. Which of the following vehicles does your company have the most of in your fleet?

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