A Survey for GPs and GP Trainees

In recent years, General Practice has seen an increase in workload and pressure that has not been matched by growth in either funding or in workforce. Alongside an ageing population with more long-term and complex care needs, there is also an increasing difficulty in recruiting and retaining GPs (Kings Fund 2016).

We are interested in how GPs are currently managing these pressures and their opinions on what needs to be done and what changes they would like to see.

We are particularly interested in the role of ‘portfolio careers’, defined as a career with ‘part of the working week spent on clinical work in general practice and the rest of their time spent on other work’. This survey aims to explore the potential for portfolio careers to improve GP satisfaction and help retain more GPs in the NHS.

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. Current position

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* 3. Time as a GP

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* 4. Would you consider yourself a portfolio GP?

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* 5. Do you partake in other roles or responsibilities alongside your usual clinical practice?

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* 6. If yes, what other roles are you involved in? (tick as many as required)

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* 7. To what extent do you agree with the following statements:
Significant change is needed to combat increasing pressures and workload for GPs

Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

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* 8. I intend to pursue full-time clinical work

Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

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* 9. I benefit from variety and flexibility in how I practice medicine

Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

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* 10. I enjoy undertaking a variety of roles at once

Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

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* 11. The flexibility of the career was one of the factors that attracted me to GP in the first place

Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

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* 12. Developing other roles and interests alongside my clinical practice is important to me

Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

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* 13. Working in different areas alongside clinical practice can lead to greater job satisfaction

Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

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* 14. Portfolio careers allow you to develop new skills and experience that can then benefit your current practice

Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

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* 15. Portfolio careers are becoming an increasingly popular choice

Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

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* 16. A portfolio career can help mitigate the risk of burnout

Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

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* 17. A portfolio career helps promote a better work-life balance

Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

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* 18. Portfolio careers are important in retaining GPs in the NHS

Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

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* 19. Do you have any further comments?

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* 20. Thanks for completing this GPDQ survey.
If you would like us to email the survey results to you, please leave your email address.