#NeverMoreNeeded creative concepts

Getting your feedback

The #NeverMoreNeeded campaign is pressing the case for more government support as the not for profit sector deals with and tackles the pandemic. 

As we navigate the worst impacts of the outbreak, people across the country are relying on the work of charities, the essential support they provide and how they shape our society for the better. So many people deserve our thanks – they have come forward to give their time, skills and money to help charities keep doing what they do best, and making a positive impact on people’s lives and our communities. We’ll all continue to rely on the expertise and experience of our charity and voluntary groups in the recovery effort that lies ahead.

The government cannot afford to overlook or undervalue the not for profit sector at the moment. Charities and other not-for-profit organisations make our communities stronger. In the toughest times, we provide support no-one else can.Our unique role and services are invaluable right now and will be essential when our country begins to heal and re-build as we recover from the initial coronavirus outbreak.

The government isn't listening at the moment, so we want to get their attention with a very public display of support from everyone who cares about charities and not for profit organisations. 

We have come up with three concepts for getting their attention and building support from the public. We would really love your thoughts on each of the concepts so we can develop them and put them into action.
1.Concept 1

Tomorrow We Will....

We are going to run a print ad in one of the national newspapers and support it with an open letter signed by as many charity supporters as possible, as well as by lots of high profile people and influencers – i.e. business leaders, religious leaders, former government ministers, academics, influencers, celebrities.

We will produce a version of the ad for social media so charity supporters can share it and encourage their followers to also sign the open letter and show their support for the campaign. 

The ad itself will be text ad featuring  the following copy:

“Tomorrow our supporters, workers and volunteers will…..” followed by a series of achievements, impacts and breakthroughs (large and small) that charities will deliver – feed people, provide hope, discover a new species, campaign for change, provide a place to sleep etc

The end line will be – “Tomorrow we will achieve all that and more if the government backs charities today #NeverMoreNeeded”

2.Would concept 1 inspire you to support the open letter and the campaign?
3.Would concept 1 inspire you to encourage other people to sign the letter and support the campaign?
4.What aspects of concept 1 do you like?
5.What aspects of concept 1 do you dislike?
6.Do you have any other thoughts on this concept and how it can be improved?
7.Concept 2

Thank you

We are going to run a print ad in one of the national newspapers and support it with an open letter signed by as many charity supporters as possible, as well as by lots of high profile people and influencers – i.e. business leaders, religious leaders, former government ministers, academics, influencers, celebrities.

We will produce a version of the ad for social media so charity supporters can share it and encourage their followers to also sign the open letter and show their support for the campaign.

This is another simple ad design, focused on thanking everyone who has stepped up in 2020 to support causes and the charities working to further them.

The text would read: “Thank you….” Then a series of the actions people have taken to support good causes and charities, e.g. “for caring, for donating, for volunteering, for campaigning, for raising money, for responding, for using your skills" etc

Thank you for stepping up to support good causes and charities, please urge the government to do the same #NeverMoreNeeded

8.Would concept 2 inspire you to support the open letter and the campaign?
9.Would concept 2 inspire you to encourage other people to sign the letter and support the campaign?
10.What aspects of concept 2 do you like?
11.What aspects of concept 2 do you dislike?
12.Do you have any other thoughts on this concept and how it can be improved?
13.Concept 3

Right Now

We are going to highlight the urgency of the need to increase support for the voluntary sector by choosing a specific day on which we encourage as many charity supporters, volunteers and workers as possible to share what charitable activity they are doing right now, or highlight the actions being taken and impacts being made as a result of charitable activity, e.g.:

“Right now, I’m checking in on some older people isolating in our community”

“Right now, we’re answering calls to our helpline”

“Right now, charities and their volunteers are restocking 1,500 food banks”

“Right now, 3 acres of ancient woodland are being preserved for future generations”

“Right now. I’m raising money for my local youth group”

Each message has a sign off with a demand to government – “Right now I'm one of millions of people supporting good causes – our government must to do the same #NeverMoreNeeded”

We encourage everyone to post an image highlighting their example or a simple script page with their example on it, and a call for their followers to do the same. 

14.Would concept 3 inspire you to share on social media?
15.Would concept 3 encourage you to call on your followers to post a similar message?
16.What aspects of concept 3 do you like?
17.What aspects of concept 3 do you dislike?
18.Do you have any other thoughts on this concept and how it can be improved?
19.If you had to choose one of the concepts to take forward, which one would you choose?
20.Do you have any other thoughts about the concepts?
Current Progress,
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