Bexley Voice SEND Review Survey to feed into our Parent Carer Forum Response


Over the last 3 years there has been an SEND Review taking place. The proposals from this review are now out for consultation in the Green Paper - Right Support, Right Place, Right Time.
Bexley Voice want to feed back to the DfE how their proposals, outlined in the Green Paper, might work in practice and highlight things to consider.
We are asking for input from our members on 10 questions – you do not need to answer them all 😊
Each question is quite broad, as we hope to capture a wide range of thought/feedback for each question, so please answer as fully as you are able.
The deadline for responses to this Survey is the end of Friday 15 July 2022. This will give us time to pull your feedback together with ours, to provide a Bexley Voice Parent Carer Forum response to the Department for Education, by their deadline of  22 July 2022.
You can find more information about the proposals, the full document, summary and easy read versions of the Green paper along with other ways you can contribute to the consultation on our website SEND REVIEW.
We have decided to seek your input on those areas of the proposals we feel, as parents, we are best placed to comment.
All responses will be anonymous. However, you are welcome to leave your contact details if you wish to be contacted regarding further consultation stages of this legislation.
1.Parental Choice in Schools – It is proposed that parents of children with an EHCP would now be given a tailored list of schools to choose from to name on the EHCP. How do you feel this might work in practice and would it better enable your child to access the right placement to meet their needs?
2.Accountability in the SEND System – How can the system be improved to ensure that everyone involved with supporting your child does what they say they will and or they are responsible for?
3.Compulsory Mediation – it is proposed that every case must go to mediation before it can move to Tribunal. Do you think this would achieve speedier decisions and be less onerous for parents?
4.Making Mainstream Education inclusive – What would help/would have helped your child to access main stream school?
5.National System of banding and tariffs – It is proposed to have a single National funding system for SEND provision. Do you feel a national system would effectively meet the range of circumstance, need and location of different children and young people?
6.The preparation of young people with SEND for adulthood – What changes are needed to ensure all young people with SEN are well prepared for and supported to move into adulthood, whatever their level of SEN or their pathway may be?
7.Digitised and Standardised Education Health and Care Plans – What benefits/drawbacks can you see with moving to standardised EHCP templates that are maintained on line?
8.Deliver excellent teaching and high standard of curriculum –  What are the key areas of training that would help staff in schools best support children and young people and their parent carers, who should receive it, when and should it be mandatory?
9.A reformed and Integrated role for Alternative Provisions – What are the benefits/challenges/drawbacks of incorporating all APs into existing Multi Academy Trusts?
10.What else needs to change? -  What key changes to the current system would have the most positive impact for our children? 
Please include your name and email if you wish to be involved in further consultation with this legislation.