Timewade: Technology for Success 2020 Survey

The survey will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

This survey is designed to help SMEs learn from how businesses used technology in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

You will have the option to receive a free report detailing the findings and recommendations.
Entering lockdown
1.In response to Covid-19, did your business:
2.How well did your IT systems and technology cope with changes to your business due to the lockdown?
Performed badly
Some problems
Coped well
Coped seamlessly
3.If you switched to all or some remote working, what were the main IT & tech challenges? (select all that apply)
During the crisis (during lockdown)
4.Which areas of your business were most negatively affected during the lockdown? (select all which apply)
5.Rate the following technologies in terms of importance for your business during the crisis
Very low
Very high
Communication tools e.g. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype
Shared documents e.g. Google Docs, SharePoint, OneDrive
Project management software
Line of Business Applications (Finance / ERP / Databases)
Employees' Home Broadband Connection
Business Broadband Connection
Telephony / VOIP
Protecting data and other key information
Cyber security
6.How regularly were you using these technologies before the lockdown?
Not at all
Communication tools e.g. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype
Shared documents e.g. Google Docs, SharePoint, OneDrive
Project management software
Line of Business Applications (Finance / ERP / Databases)
Employees' Home Broadband Connection
Business Broadband Connection
Telephony / VOIP
Protecting data and other key information
Cyber security
7.How well have employees used technology in their work during the Covid-19 lockdown?
Not very well
Not well
Very well
Long term strategy
8.Before Covid-19, did you have a business strategy which included use of technology across all business functions?
Not at all
Only the IT function
More than 1 business area
A range of business function
Every aspect of the business
9.Post lockdown, will you be reviewing your business strategy to integrate the use of technology across all business functions?
Not at all
Only the IT function
More than 1 business area
A range of business function
Every aspect of the business
10.Post Covid-19 lockdown, what technology changes are the priority for your business? (select all that apply)
Very low
Very high
Communication tools e.g. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype
Shared documents e.g. Google Docs, SharePoint, OneDrive
Project management software
Line of Business Applications (Finance / ERP / Databases)
Employees' Home Broadband Connection
Business Broadband Connection
Telephony / VOIP
Protecting data and other key information
Cyber security
11.Short term (next three months) will your investment in IT and technology change in light of the Covid-19 pandemic?
12.Longer term (last quarter 2020/into 2021), will your investment in IT and technology change in light of the Covid-19 pandemic?
Tech Trends
13.In 2019, the T4S survey revealed the top tech trends for today and 2025. But how do you think Covid-19 will impact this?

Rate the following technologies in terms of expected importance to your business in the next 12 months.
Very low
Very high
Artificial Intelligence / Machine learning
Augmented/Virtual Reality
Business Continuity and disaster recovery
Cloud Computing
Cyber Security
Internal IT Systems
Internet of Things
Remote working/anytime access to systems and data
Software/Apps for your employees
Trading electronically with customers and suppliers
Voice-controlled tech
14.How do you feel that technology can help you to grow your business post lockdown? (comment below)
15.Have you identified new business opportunities in response to Covid-19?
16.Would you like to receive monthly update emails with news and top tech tips from Technology for Success
17.I would like to receive the results of this survey
18.Please provide your work email address if you have ticked 'yes' to any of the questions above
About you (anonymised data)
19.Job role (please select)
20.Number of employees (please select)
21.Sector (please select)
22.Location (please select)
Thank you for taking the Technology for Success 2020 survey.
Current Progress,
0 of 22 answered