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Philip McGuigan MLA (Sinn Féin) is proposing the introduction of a Single Use Plastics Reduction Bill in the north. The questions in this consultation are intended to gather the views of the public to better inform and improve legislation to reduce the use of single use plastic.

Plastic waste and pollution are having harmful effect on wildlife habitats, biodiversity, human health, and the natural world more broadly. By some estimates, humankind has produced a staggering 8,300 Mt of plastic since its invention and widespread use as a modern, industrial material. However, only 9% of this has ever been recycled, with fully 80% of all plastic ever produced dumped in landfills or elsewhere in the natural environment. The Disastrous effects of this pollution on the marine environment and ocean acidification are becoming increasingly clear.

Various legislative initiatives are underway in the south of Ireland (through the EU Single Use Plastics Directive) and in England, Scotland, and Wales, where banning and restricting certain single use plastics, and introducing levies on coffee cups, has been discussed. These do not apply to the North of Ireland.

To tackle this issue, the European Union has advanced the Single Use Plastics Directive due to be transposed into law by EU member states in 2021. However due to British Government’s decision to exit the EU this Directive will not apply to the North of Ireland. Furthermore, the passage of the Environment Bill in Westminster may introduce powers (through Part 3, Clause 52) for the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to introduce charges on unspecified single use plastics, but it will not include powers of prohibition.

This Bill will, as closely as possible, mirror the content of the EU Single Use Plastics Directive and effectively achieve regulatory alignment with the European Union on the restriction and prohibition of plastics designed for a single use.

Ultimately, this Bill will reduce the significant amount of waste generated by single use plastics in the north of Ireland and consequently begin to address the damage it causes to our environment.

Survey ends: 20/01/2021

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* 1. 1. Does the North of Ireland need stronger and more comprehensive regulations on the use of single use plastics?

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* 2. Is it important that the North of Ireland is in line with European Union regulations on single use plastics, namely the Single Use Plastics Directive?

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* 3. If a Bill was introduced in the North of Ireland seeking consistency with the provisions of the Single Use Plastics Directive, do you believe this Bill should be time-bound, in line with the implementation of the Directive?

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* 4. Have you concerns that the North of Ireland might fall behind both Britain and European Union member states in its regulation on single use plastics and plastic waste?

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* 5. Are measures applicable to the North of Ireland in the Environment Bill sufficient to tackle widespread plastic waste, or is further regulation needed on single use plastics specifically?

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* 6. Do you think single use plastic cutlery, plates, straws, cotton bud sticks, and beverage stirrers should be banned, as advanced by the European Union Single Use Plastics Directive?

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* 7. Do you think the use of single use coffee cups and single use takeaway food containers should be reduced, as advanced by the European Union Single Use Plastics Directive?

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* 8. Do you feel Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs plans and strategies aimed at reducing plastic waste and the use of single use plastics have been effective enough to negate the need for specific legislation on single use plastics?

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* 9. What are your primary concerns regarding plastic pollution?

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* 10. In your own words, what advantages and disadvantages may arise because of the passage of a Bill introducing bans and restrictions on certain types of single use plastics?

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* 11. What social, environmental, and economic consequences do you foresee because of greater legislative action, as is proposed in this Bill, on single use plastics and plastic waste?

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* 12. The EU Directive will have an exemption to its prohibition on businesses from stocking single use plastic straws. This will allow people with a disability to request plastic straws, as most paper and plant-based alternatives are not flexible or suitable for drinks over 40°C. Are there other groups you feel would suffer a discriminatory effect from this bill if such an exception were not made for them?

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* 13. What adjustments to the Bill or alternative legislative proposals would you support to achieve this policy objective?

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